
in one subscription

Unlimited design requests in one subscription

Design subscriptions for everyone! The service for all your
creative needs. Cancel anytime.

Subscribe to a plan

Subscribe to a plan and request as many designs as you'd like.

Lightning fast delivery

You will receive your design in just 1 -2 business days on average.

Revised until happy!

We will revise your designs until you’re 100% satisfied.

See plans
A visual representation from the Trello dashboard clients are provided with on signupA visual representation of the Trello Dashboard clients are provided with on signup

Save yourself valuable
time and money

Forget expensive design agencies, unreliable freelancers and long recruitment processes to find the ideal employee. Our subscription service delivers top-quality design when you need it.

The Design Chefs Logo written out with a decorative hat on the C.

Cost: Affordable

Flat rates: Yes

Revisions: Unlimited

Projects: Unlimited

Starting work: Within 24 hours

Calendar: Timeline defined at start

Slack updates: Yes, always provided


Cost: Expensive

Flat rates: No

Revisions: Limited

Projects: Limited

Starting work: In weeks

Calendar: Depends on availability

Slack updates: Rarely provided


Cost: Very expensive

Flat rates: No

Revisions: Limited

Projects: Limited

Starting work: In weeks

Calendar: Not always specified

Slack updates: No, usually e-mail

The Design Chefs are a cost-efficient option with fast output volume and superb quality.

Membership benefits

Perks so good you'll never need to go anywhere else for your design work. Receive senior level design quality for junior pricing!

Transparent communication

Manage all your design requests in one place: an easy-to-use Trello board.

Design replacement

Let us step in as your designer while yours is unavailable.

Fixed monthly rate

Pay the same fixed price every month. No surprises, promised!

Tailor-made for you

Every brand is unique and so are our designs. Tailor-made creations to suit your brand's personality.

Your Design Partner

We're not just a service; we're your design partner, here to support your needs every step of the way.

Unique and all yours

Each of your designs is made especially for you and is 100% yours.

Recent work

Access to senior level design quality, all with just the click of a button.

Our latest creations

Mouthwatering designs you'll       , guaranteed!

Latest work for Blue Bank AppLatest work for a housing platform websiteLatest work for Impossible FinanceLatest work for Cobos XRLatest work - VR Expert Webshop redesign
Latest work - Ppack portfolio work, website design and development
Our design stack, all with a touch of our secret sauce:
Logo of Creative CloudLogo of FigmaLogo of Webflow

What's on our menu?

Mobile apps
Email design
UI / UX Design
Logo design
Design systems
Print design
Business cards
Product design
Slide Decks
Product mockups
Social media graphics
Graphic design
Webshop design
The Design Chefs' consistent quality and seamless service have made them our go-to for elevating our user interfaces and other digital products.
Sander de Leng, Marketing Manager at VR Expert
Logo from VR Expert

Memberships levels

Five star quality designs you'll fall in love with


Yearly (save 20%)


Ideal for those looking to supplement or serve as their design team.

No minimum commitment.
Cancel anytime.
What's included:
  • One active Trello request
  • Average 48 hour delivery
  • Unlimited requests
  • Unlimited stock photos
  • Easy payments
  • Cancel anytime

Ideal for those who need lots of design work done on a regular basis.

No minimum commitment.
Cancel anytime.
Get Started
What's included:
  • Two active Trello requests
  • Average 48 hour delivery
  • Unlimited requests
  • Unlimited stock photos
  • Easy payments
  • Cancel anytime

Ideal for those who need priority service, includes the Webflow add-on.

No minimum commitment.
Cancel anytime.
What's included:
  • All from the Pro plan plus:
  • Priority support
  • Average 24 hour delivery
  • Webflow add-on included
  • White glove onboarding
  • Detailed progress reports
Book a call

Learn more about how The Design Chefs work and how we can help you.

Book a call

The Design Chefs contribute to carbon removal and a greener future.

Our sustainability program

Webflow development

Get a better website faster with Webflow development. Requires a design subscription.

Latest work for a social media influencer websiteLatest work for a crypto and blockchain websiteLatest work for a chatting SaaS businessLatest work for a design agencyLatest work for IndianahGraphic design work for Philips regarding sustainability

Do you have questions? 
We've got answers!

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer?

Great question! To begin with, securing a full-time senior-level designer comes with an annual cost surpassing €80,000, not to mention additional benefits (assuming you can find one available). Moreover, there's the challenge of maintaining a consistent workload for them, leading to paying for downtime. Our monthly plan provides the flexibility to cancel your subscription at your convenience, ensuring that you only pay for your designer's services when you have tasks ready for them.

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have?

Once subscribed, you're able to add as many design requests to your backlog as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one.

How fast will I receive my designs?

On average, most requests are completed in just two days or less. However, more complex requests can take longer.

Who are the Design Chefs?

The Design Chefs is actually an agency of one! This means you'll work directly with me, founder of The Design Chefs. However, special requests such as animations or custom illustrations are provided by partner designers.

What happens after I subscribe?

After subscribing you will receive an email which offers access to your Trello board within 24 hours.

What programs do you design in?

Most requests are designed using Figma or Adobe XD.

How do I request designs?

The Design Chefs provide flexibility in design requests through Trello. Clients commonly submit requests directly on Trello, share Google Docs or wireframes, or even convey their vision through brief videos for a more dynamic touch. Essentially, if it can be linked or shared on Trello, it's game on.

What if I don't like the design?

No worries! We'll continue to revise the design until you're 100% satisfied.

Will my monthly price ever increase?

No. We will never increase the monthly price of your subscription.

Are there any refunds if I don't like the service?

Due to the high quality nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.

Removing CO₂ from the atmosphere

The Design Chefs are part of Stripe Climate, a coalition of businesses accelerating carbon removal.

With a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability, we not only design for success but also contribute to a greener future. Work with us to sow the seeds of your online success, and together, we'll make this world a better place.
Stripe Climate Badge for sustainability

Ready to feast your eyes on
exceptional design?

Join The Design Chefs today, and let's cook up something extraordinary together.

Logo of DPG MediaLogo of BlockdaemonLogo of PhilipsLogo of Impossible FinanceLogo of VR ExpertLogo of SparkOptimus